Crispy chicken Fillet Strips

Crispy Chicken Fillet Strips..... 

1 kg Chicken Fillets sliced thin

Juice of 1 lemon

1 tsp salt

2 tsp crushed garlic 

2 tsp paprika/red chillie powder

2 tsp aromat

2 tsp lemon pepper 

2 tsp chicken spice

2 tsp barbecue spice

1 tsp red masala

1/4 cup plain yoghurt

1 - 2 eggs

1 cup Cake flour

1 cup Chana Flour

4 Tbs Bread Crumbs

4 Tbs Cornflour/Maizena

Marinate chicken with all the spices, lemon juice and yoghurt for a few hours.

Combine all the flours and bread crumbs in another dish

 Did the chicken fillet in egg then toss in flour mixture.

Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown

